10.12.4 Post-final determination proceedings and enforcement of remedy orders
When the USITC issues a Final Determination, it will also order the appropriate remedy, if any, such as an exclusion order, a cease and desist order, or both. If a party has questions or concerns regarding the enforcement of such remedies, the party may pursue a post-final determination proceeding. Respondents in Section 337 proceedings can seek to avoid or circumvent the exclusion order by redesigning the excluded product.
Exclusion orders are implemented and enforced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.356 The Exclusion Order Enforcement Branch of the Office of Regulations and Rulings within U.S. Customs and Border Protection is in charge of enforcing exclusion orders and disseminating information to enforce such orders to the ports of entry and field offices. Enforcement proceedings
A complainant can seek redress through an enforcement proceeding at the USITC through formal or informal proceedings. Generally, formal proceedings are needed to address violations of exclusion orders. Formal proceedings are initiated by the filing of an enforcement complaint by the complainant, OUII, or the USITC on its own initiative.357 The development of the information and evidence for a formal complaint can require substantial investigation and resources. The formal enforcement proceeding generally will be assigned to an ALJ (usually the same ALJ that handled the original investigation).358 The presiding ALJ will issue an enforcement ID, which will become the decision of the USITC in 45 days if no review is ordered and the period for ordering review is not extended.359 Altogether, the process usually takes more than a year to complete.
As a result of its formal enforcement proceeding, the USITC may modify or revoke its original orders, order a seizure and forfeiture of goods involved in the violation, or, in the case of violations of cease and desist orders, impose monetary sanctions under Section 337(f).360 Further, the USITC may bring a civil action in federal district court, seeking civil penalties or the issuance of mandatory injunctions.361 Cease and desist orders
Section 337(f)(1) grants the USITC the power to issue cease and desist orders, directed to U.S. companies to prevent the sale of articles that have already entered the United States, “in addition to, or in lieu of,” exclusion orders, subject to certain public interest factors. Final cease and desist orders are enforced by the USITC rather than U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which can assess civil penalties for violation of its orders and can file for injunctive relief in a district court.
If, as part of an enforcement proceeding, the USITC learns that respondents have violated a cease and desist order, the USITC can assess significant penalties (e.g., USD 100,000 or twice the value of the goods, whichever is greater, for each day an order is violated). The USITC may also bring a civil action in federal district court to request a civil penalty or issuance of an injunction. Any penalties for violations of cease and desist orders are payable to the U.S. Treasury, not the complainant.
Penalties for violations of cease and desist orders apply mainly to sales and imports of infringing goods after such orders issue. Although cease and desist orders often prohibit actions such as advertising or marketing infringing goods, relatively few enforcement cases have involved violations of such prohibitions. Modification or revocation of exclusion orders
If changed conditions (in fact, law, or the public interest) require that a remedial order be set aside or modified, any person may file a motion with the USITC requesting such relief.362 The USITC has the discretion to decide whether to rescind or modify previous orders.363 The petitioner must identify changed conditions of fact or law or changed public interest circumstances warranting rescission.364 Rescission orders typically address a change in the status of the intellectual property covered by a remedial order, changes in party relationships (such as settlement), or a case-dispositive reversal by the Federal Circuit.
If the petitioner was previously found to have violated Section 337 and is requesting either a determination that it is no longer in violation, or a modification or rescission of a remedial order issued pursuant to Section 337(d), (e), (f), (g), or (i), the burden of proof is on the petitioner.365 Advisory opinions
Any person can seek a ruling from the USITC as to whether a respondent’s new course of action (e.g., importation of a redesigned or new product) would violate a particular exclusion order. Prior to instituting such an advisory proceeding, the USITC will consider whether the issuance of such an advisory opinion would facilitate Section 337 enforcement, whether the opinion would be in the public interest, whether it would benefit consumers and competitive conditions in the United States, and whether the person has a compelling business need for the advice and has framed the request as fully and accurately as possible.366 The party asserting that a product is outside the scope of a limited exclusion order generally bears the burden of proving that the order does not cover its goods. Advisory proceedings are similar to formal enforcement proceedings, as they often involve further discovery and hearings and may be delegated by the USITC to an ALJ. It is not uncommon for enforcement proceedings (or modification and rescission proceedings) and advisory proceedings to be consolidated into a single proceeding. Advisory opinions are unusual and are not appealable.367